Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Training Opportunity!

Please see the message below about this unique training opportunity- This message is from Bill Justice.

I will be conducting free incident command classes here at Triton.  The primary audience is the police department and river grove select command personnel.  This class is required for those individuals to function in there capacity, and to ensure they can continue to receive federal funds.

This class is also applicable and highly suggested for public school officials to have, that would be in any command or authority position during a crisis or emergency.  With my dealings and knowledge of how we as a school would respond to an emergency, below are the administrators and personnel, I would recommend or encourage to do this training.  These dates are for October only, I will try to set up 1-2 more classes in November.   If anyone wants to do the training but cannot make the dates please have them
contact me.  I can probably work something out, so they get the training.  Also please have all that are going to attend to let me know which dates they will be in attendance.

It is a 2 class program, 300 (expanding incident management) & 400 (advanced incident command and operation)

Vice Presidents
AVP (that would have any dealings with a crisis at minimum to include finance, marketing, and facilities) Dean's (that serve in the capacity of the evening administrator) 
Crisis team

10/12-300 class   9 am
10/19- 400 class   9 am
10/24- 300 class   9 am
10/27- 400 class   9 am

Class should last 3-5 hours, if an attendee needs to leave prior to the end   that is okay.


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