Friday, May 4, 2012

Life Long Learners

In the spirit of a community college advocate I am serving the role as a life long learner today.  As I type this blog I am sitting in a hands on workshop about Google Apps.  What an amazing tool!  Today I learned how to link my phone,  computer, laptop, and ipad for more effective use.  Now I can take my documents anywhere and share them with colleagues so that I can stay on top of things.  This is amazing! 

I wonder how many of our students are already using these tools.  I know that I struggle with keeping up on technology, it changes so quickly.  But,  I also understand that to effectively support student success I need to be able to meet the students where they are at and provide the tools and support necessary to move them toward successful retention and completion. 

As we end this week I challenge you to reflect on your own knowledge skills, and abilities to meet students where they are at in their educational journey.  More importantly, are you equipped with the tools and resources to help our students achieve success?  If nit, how can I help you gain those tools and resources?

Have a great weekend!
