Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I am disappointed to have to report the theft of two desktop computers in the ETRC this afternoon.  While we all would like to trust in the integrity of our campus community, we need to make sure and take appropriate steps to safe guard our areas.

PLEASE make sure that you are closing and locking all non-essential entry ways to offices, labs, etc.  These doors generally lock from the outside which allows access in emergency situations, prevents regular entry.  Effective immediately, all ASC and SSS staff are are asked to use MAIN ENTRANCES only to access work spaces.  Staff are not to use hallway facing doors to exit or enter interior offices.  

PLEASE make sure and close any door that you do not feel should be open.  I would rather have a person locked out of their office than have more items stolen.

PLEASE do not prop open ANY doors.  If they are set to lock automatically there is a reason for this.

PLEASE do not leave personal items unattended or out in plain sight.  The College cannot protect your items from theft.

If you have any information regarding today's theft please call me immediately so that we can provide more detailed information to campus police.

I appreciate your cooperation in being more diligent with security in all areas - thank you!!!


Monday, August 29, 2011

Last Week of August!

Good Morning!

Just a few quick reminders to start the week-

Please work with your supervisor to attend the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 memorial event occurring on Tuesday, September 6, 2011 at the circle drive flag poles.  We cannot shut offices, but are encouraged to have as many staff present at the event as possible.

Remember to wear your staff ID badges at all times.  I will be asking if I do not see you wearing yours.  Thank you for your cooperation with this - it is a step to support student success!

College Council meets today at 2pm in the Board room - all are welcome to attend. 

Please make sure and check the President's Corner on the Triton intranet (trojans.com) everyday for news, announcements, and upcoming events.

Thanks and have a great day!


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Back to School - Fall 2011

Good Morning!

I am so excited for the start of the Fall Semester 2011.  Having the students back on campus creates an amazing energy!  Can you feel it?  As we start the new academic year I wanted to give you some updates on projects we are working on and upcoming events that I would appreciate your support with.  Also, with the new school year, I have been inspired to start this Blog as a way of communicating information to all staff - please bear with me as I am a new blogger.

Academic Success Center
The ASC has a new coordinator, Daisy Dujua.  She will be working mostly evening hours and has extensive experience working in the Math Zone.  Daisy is also an Adjunct Faculty member here on campus.  Please welcome Daisy and send your congratulations on her new position.

i-Pad 2 is coming to the Academic Success Center!!!  I am a HUGE believer in giving students access to the most cutting-edge, current technology available and am pleased that we were able to secure funding for this initiative.  There will be 25 units available to students for use in the ASC to support learning needs.  Applications will be loaded to reflect the subject areas of Math, Science, and Writing.  I anticipate full roll-out Oct. 1st.

The Library has a new Part-Time Librarian!  Please join me in welcoming Laurie Schuetter to Triton and to the Library.  Laurie has truly hit the ground running and brings great enthusiasm to the position.

Please join me in a final congratulations to Cynthia LaGon on her retirement from her Faculty Librarian position.  The vacancy created by Cynthia's retirement will hopefully be filled this fall.  We are currently reviewing potential candidates for this position.  I will notify you when a candidate has been selected.

The ETRC will be making some minor changes to accommodate the newly established Testing Center located in A122 C&D.  Although staffing adjustments have not yet been finalized, the ETRC will be shifting at least three staff member to work in the new Center.  This is a GREAT thing for our students.  The new Center will be able to accommodate more students and create an environment that upholds the highest integrity for the testing process.  Please stop by rooms A122 C&D and see what a beautiful job out facilities department has done with this space.

The College has moved to a new version of BlackBoard for our online courses.  Please support our students in this transition and refer them to the ETRC with any questions regarding site navigation.

Student Support Services
The SSS TRIO program is in the process of filling the Director position which was vacated by Elivs Ortega.  I would like to wish Elvis much success in his new position at UIC.  In the absence of a Director, Blanca Gutierrez will be assuming the duties of the Director and I will be serving a more active role with the program.  It is anticipated that a new Director will be named in the next couple of weeks - STAY TUNED!

Please mark your calendars for the following events-

Tuesday, 9/6 - The College will be holding a memorial ceremony in recognition of the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy.  Programming will be held in the circle drive near the flag poles beginning at 1:30pm

Wednesday, 9/7 - The College will be honoring River Grove at an event that is open to the public in the Botanical Gardens from 5:30pm-7pm

Saturday, 10/1 - The College will be hosting a Fall Family Fun Fest from 10am-2pm.  All areas will be participating, please talk with your supervisor regarding ways in which you can support this effort.

Other campus events can be found at http://www.triton.edu/cgi-bin/r.cgi/happenings_banners.html

Please let me know if you have any suggestions or announcements that you would like to share on this blog.  Have a great semester and remember to wear your staff ID tags!

